These are the laws and the building blocks that build this country for now and throughout time they will change.
- When it comes to families it dosen't matter everything is the same as it is today. That includes marriage, kids, and anything else you can think of.
- Food all comes from farming so that includes crops, fishing, and animals. All foods will be close to organic meaning only given stuff for no parasites, and diseases. All of them will be safe.
- When it comes to jobs pretty much whatever they feel like doing that exsists here. When it comes to education you will have no homework and only need to learn what you need to until you hit middle school. Then you will start to take classes that only apply to the work field you want to work in. They can change overtime.
- No violence.
- If you leave and return or you are a newcomer we will do a security check and look at your medical record, if you've been in crimes, and so forth. The information is only given to people who need it. Meaning if you have a disease that info will only go to our medical staff.
- You are only aloud to take what you need when it comes to food, and clothes or whatever.
- If the rules are not followed to the point that you're messing with the society you will be asked by us to leave your house. You will keep all your food and and clothes/stuff. You can come back when you feel like you can handle the rules.
- Government is clearly Communism. At the top is us and a super computer. The computer does not have feelings and is only a security thing, or for voting on stuff.
- Elections work with the last people choosing along with the computer to see who would best benefit our society.
- Healthcare is all the same. Meaning attention not same as we will give food advice to a baby or so. It is also free like everything else.
- Communism